Harry Drewes

Painter and Physicist

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artist Harry Drewes from Hamburg Germany

Harry Drewes lives and works in Hamburg and came about photography and drawing to painting. He studied physics and worked in a larger Hamburg based corporation. His special subjects were optics and color recognition. In 2008 he began private painting studies with Ute Reichel in Hamburg and on the island of Sylt. A year later he joined the artist group "Nordlichter unterwegs" (Northern Lights underway). Since 2011 he focused on painting and exhibited periodically in and around Hamburg. His pictures are painted with acrylic on canvas and open space between reality and imagination. He loves motifs with harbor corners, as well as natural landscapes and flowers. The colors themselves play a major role for him. Various fine brush strokes build interwoven areas of interacting colors, giving something shimmering to the paintings. In his current works he explores the space between realism and abstraction and uses color patches to create images which the viewers themselves can compose into landscapes. (Photo: Tomas Keilbach)


2016 Free painting workshop with Johann Nußbächer (Summer academy in Norden, Eastern Frisia, Germany)
2015 Painting workshop "In the footsteps of Cézanne" with Ute Reichel in Séguret, Provence, France
2014 Lithograph printing workshop with Linda Peters (Summer academy in Norden, Eastern Frisia, Germany)
2013 Besides painting study of color theories and philosophy of color
since 2011 Retired physicist, more time for painting
2009 Entry into the artists group "Nordlichter unterwegs" (Northern Lights underway)
since 2008 Studying painting with Ute Reichel (Hamburg, Ahrensburg, Sylt)
1986 - 2011 Research and Development at Hauni Maschinenbau in Hamburg (later at the subsidiary Hauni Primary) Special fields: optics and color recognition, numerous patents
1980 - 1985 Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research (WKI) in Braunschweig
1979 Civilian Service and member of "Work Group against Nuclear Power" in Braunschweig
1970 - 1978 Studying physics at the Technical University of Braunschweig (Diplom certificate)
1957 - 1969 School in Bremerhaven, favorite subjects arts and math
1951 born in Bremerhaven


2023 Solo exhibition with the theme "Light in Painting", in the community hall of the Epiphanien Church in Hamburg
2020 Group exhibition "Pastel - Acrylic - Collage", Annual exhibition in the painting studio of Ute Reichel on "Allmende Wulfsdorf" near Hamburg (Flyer Annual Exhibition)
2019 Joint exhibition "From earthly landscapes and distant worlds - art meets physics" together with Rose Demant in the Gallery Kunstraum Farmsen in Hamburg (Flyer Kunstraum)
Joint exhibition "Clouds, sea and more" together with Josephine v. Oettingen in the Forum Alstertal in Hamburg (Exhibition Forum Alstertal)
2018 Group exhibition "Christmas exhibition – New works of the painting group" in the painting studio of Ute Reichel on "Allmende Wulfsdorf" near Hamburg (Flyer invitation of the painting studio)
2017 Solo Exhibition "Landscape and coast" at the Restaurant "BEI UNS" in Hamburg (Flyer Hamburg 2017)
2016 Joint exhibition "Paintings in oil, acrylic and watercolor" in the Town Hall of Ammersbek near Hamburg (Flyer Ammersbek)
Group exhibition "Himmel und Mehr" (Skies and More) in the painting studio of Ute Reichel on "Allmende Wulfsdorf" near Hamburg (Flyer Skies and More)
2015 Joint exhibition "Experiment with figure and landscape" with Heike Dittrich and Ursel Wiesen-Klomp at the City Library Husum (Flyer Husum)
Solo Exhibition at the Portuguese Restaurant "BEI UNS" in Hamburg within the scope of an exhibition cycle opened by Thomas Liebing and Eva Peters (Flyer Hamburg)
2014 Group exhibition with the topic "Our View on Allmende" at the Allmende in Ahrensburg near Hamburg (Invitation)
Exhibition at the Online Gallery of Eva Peters until 2017
2012 - 2014 Three solo exhibitions at the Portuguese Restaurant "BEI UNS" in Hamburg (Summer 2012, Spring 2013 and Spring 2014)
2009 Exhibition of the artists group "Nordlichter unterwegs" (Northern Lights underway): Stadtgalerie "Alte Post" Westerland/Sylt (Exhibition catalog)
Group exhibition at "Haus der Natur" (House of Nature) in Ahrensburg near Hamburg


2019 "Seeing Colors - The human color perception", presentation and guided tour through the exhibition "Art meets Physics" together with Prof. Peter Möller in the Gallery Kunstraum Farmsen in Hamburg
Contribution "The polar lights from the point of view of physics and painting" in the MINTarium Hamburg on the main topic "Art meets physics" by Prof. Peter Möller, HAW Hamburg
2015 "Seeing Colors - The colors in Physics and Painting", a presentation in the course "Frauen informieren sich" at the Hamburger Volkshochschule (Adult education center in Hamburg Farmsen)
2014 Workshop "Farben sehen" (Seeing Colors) at the annual convention of Individual Psychology "Kunst und Psyche" (Art and Psyche) in Berlin together with Dr. Isolde de Vries


2020 Corona - Zahlen richtig verstehen - Was lernen wir für die Zukunft? Peter Möller und Harry Drewes, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin
1981 westermann schülerwissen ökologie 1 - Mensch und Umwelt, Harry Drewes und Gerhard Kroeger, Georg Westermann Verlag, Braunschweig